Welcome to Newport integrated behavioral health care
A caring approach to treatment
A private, for- profit, corporation, incorporated in the state of Georgia.
Toll-free: (855) 322-2850
(404) 289-8223 ext. 234 or 224 info@nibhinc.com | 24-hrs/ 7-days a week
We provide integrated behavioral, psychiatric, and substance abuse services
Our “vision” is collaboration, with the client and his/her family, that supports the strength and self-efficacy of the client to achieve remission of symptoms of Mental illness and to see a pain-free, motivated individual, ready to begin the journey of recovery from Substance dependence.
Newport Integrated Behavioral Healthcare, Inc has been awarded a contract by Georgia Department of Human Resources to be a Treatment Provider for Opioid Treatment for Uninsured population to combat the Opioid crisis.